
Resultant disorders:

  • Rickets, a disease which causes softening of the bones and muscle weakness
  • Can play a role in the prevention of the following:
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Hypertension
    • Multiple Sclerosis

Health Consequences:

  • Increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Cognitive impairment in older adults
  • Severe asthma in children
  • Cancer


  • Chronic skeletal pain
  • Skeletal deformities
  • Skeletal fractures
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure

Affected systems and Tissues:

  • Vitamin D is essential in the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, which are essential for recovery in endurance athletes
  • In a 2009 study found in the Archives of Internal Medicine, out of 19,00 Americans, the majority of individuals that had vitamin D deficiencies also had the highest occurrences of colds and influenza. This means that Vitamin is an essential micronutrient that promotes immune system health.
  • Vitamin D, although it serves many functions, plays a significant role in the absorption of calcium. WHen one is vitamin D deficient, they are not able to obtain the necessary amount of calcium, which causes the body to extract calcium from the bones. This notion indicates that a lack of vitamin D is indirectly tied to skeletal system health.

Populations at risk:

  • Individuals in the Pacific Northwest are commonly more at risk of vitamin D deficiency than in other regions in the United States, as it receives an extremely low amount of sunlight. During the winter time, many individuals in this region experience persistent fatigue, increased appetite, and are antisocial. According to researchers, these symptoms are directly tied to vitamin D deficiency. Doctor Yen Nguyen of the Portland Clinic says that 80 to 90 percent of her patients she screens are vitamin D deficient. Although it is more prevalent in regions with less sunshine, an increasing number of cases of the deficiency have been appearing in collegiate athletes in states such as Texas and Florida. Athletes who have the deficiency usually are not able to perform to their ability, and have trouble with endurance.

Additional information:

  • Individuals who have extremely low iron levels are highly susceptible to a VItamin D deficiency, as normal iron levels are essential for the absorption of vitamin D.

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